Rule engine

Rule engine

Go to Admin → Rule engine. It is used to make an alteration in the tickets and escalations. In the Rule engine, three main options are there. They are If all agents are busy? Wait for the technician to get free. Continue assign tickets. Assign tickets to the agent with the lowest ticket.

Wait for the technician to get free

If this option is enabled the ticket will be assigned to the user when he/she completes the current task.

Continue assign tickets

If you enable this option the tickets will be assigned continuously to the user.

Assign tickets to the agent with the lowest ticket

If you enable this option the tickets will be assigned to the users who have the lowest number of tickets.

Reassign tickets. Reassign tickets are for if the user marks the ticket as resolved without completing the task. The guest will call once more and say the previous issue that is not resolved. Then the ticket creator will reassign the same ticket to another user in the same department. For that, you have to enable the Reassign tickets option in the Rule Engine. Then only the reassign option will show in the ticket details.

Attendance Based Escalation:

This setup is used to getting the escalation alert to the department supervisor or HOD on attendance based.

If this option is enabled, every dept Sup/HOD should mark their attendance ON, then only they will get the ticket escalation SMS.

Automatic Attendance:

This option is used to mark the attendance of the users by automatically by setting the timing based on the user’s shift.

After enabling this option you can able to see the Manage Attendance (Auto) option in the Home’s drop-down options.