====== Rooms and Public Area ====== ==What is Rooms & How to create it== **Rooms:** In this section, the user can add **Rooms of the Property** for mapping in Geedesk. At first, all the room numbers shall be added then followed by all public areas (like Lobbies, Parking areas,..etc). Here we can upload Rooms either by adding individually or even adding in bulk. **This is the Room page of the Geedesk** {{::whatsapp_image_2024-11-19_at_11.07.10_am.jpeg?700|}} ==== How to create Rooms: ==== * In the left side filter below Geedesk logo Click **Admin → Rooms** * In the Room Page select **Create Room** -> Enter the room name/number -> **Create**. {{::whatsapp_image_2024-11-19_at_11.09.02_am.jpeg?200|}} {{::whatsapp_image_2024-11-19_at_12.37.17_pm.jpeg?400|}} === How to Import Bulk Rooms: === To import Bulk rooms first you have to make an **excel sheet** of all rooms with a File format – {{::11.png?200|}} Download that page in (CSV Comma Separated Value) {{::12.png?500|}} * Go to **Admin -> Rooms -> Bulk import rooms** -> Choose file -> Select the downloaded **CSV** sheet of rooms and **click Import**. {{::13.png?650|}} * After creating the rooms you have to **map** the rooms in the **Department Categories** to get assigned tickets. == Mapping Rooms in the Category == Go to **Admin -> Department Categories -> Add room -> Drag and drop** the rooms into the **right side from the left side.**