====== New Tickets ====== You Can view the New ticket in the dashboard of your account in Geedesk and also you can view it in the New tickets page. **Dashboard:-** {{::new-ticket-1536x739.png?650|}} To view in New tickets page:- **Step 1:** Go to **Tickets → New Tickets**. You can view all newly created tickets, as well as tickets that were not auto-assigned due to reasons such as the user's attendance OFF, room or location, or the user not being mapped to a department category. You are also provided with an option to take ownership of these tickets by Just clicking the TAKE option. {{::newticket.png?200|}} **Step 2:** On the new tickets page, tickets from the past 3 months are displayed by default with pagination. If you need to find a ticket older than 3 months, you can use the filter to specify the date range and department. {{::new_tickets.png?800|}}