====== Groups ====== **What is Group & How to create it** * The Group is the part of GEEDESK that decides for which user the Escalated ticket alert to be assigned. * After creating the user, the user (Supervisor, Manager, GM) should be mapped in the respective department groups, then only the escalated ticket alert to the respective department head. **How to create Groups:** Go to **Admin** -> **Groups** -> **Add group** -> type Group name -> click **Create Group** {{::grp.png?200|}} {{::grp1.png?600|}} **Mapping Users in Groups:** * After creating groups you have to map the users in the respective groups. * To map users in their respective groups in the group’s page click on Add Users -> Drag the users from the Non Added Users section and drop in the Users Added section. {{::grp1-1.png?600|}} {{::screenshot-from-2023-10-24-18-53-07-1024x303.png?600|}}