Executive Summary Report

An executive summary report is a document that gives you a brief overview of all the work that was done on your property in a day, week and for a month.

You’ll get the complete report by email, and it will be sent to a maximum of 5 people who are mapped in the executive summary report group in the Report group mapping.

To Map Users in Executive Summary Report group please refer-

Also you can download the report manually from the Geedesk application too.

To download the reports please follow the below steps:

Step 1: Go to ReportsExecutive summary report → here you can see the reports with date, and you can see the reports for last 10 days and you can download it by clicking the download option.

After downloading you will get the report in the excel file which includes

Guest Ticket counts – which is the tickets (complaint/request) raised by the guest.

Internal Ticket counts – which is the tickets (complain/request) raised by the staffs of the property.

Month today guest tickets – which is the tickets (complaint/request) raised by the guest for a month till the day of you download the report.

Month today internal ticket – which is the tickets (complaint/request) raised by the staffs of the property for a month till the day of you download the report.

Top 20 complaints in 30 days – which means in 30 days, the repeated complaints raised in the property.

Top 20 requests in 30 days – which means in 30 days, the repeated service requests raised in the property.

Last 7 days repeated ticket – for eg: if the job order (Ticket) water bottles raised in maximum in the last 7 days which gives the report will room number and count like if the room number 101 have raised the request for water bottle with maximum counts it will be in the list with the room number with counts.

Last 30 days repeated ticket – for eg: if the job order (Ticket) water bottles raised in maximum in the last 30 days which gives the report will room number and count like if the room number 201 have raised the request for tea/coffee with maximum counts it will be in the list with the room number with counts.

Note : To Receive executive summary report in mail, you have to map maximum 5 users in groups and then, Save them in report group mapping

Here is the link of how to map users in groups and save in Report Group Mapping- Executive Summary Group