====== Company profile Updation====== **Admin Settings** Admin settings are for the admin to update the company details. **Updating company profile** The company profile is to set up basic things for your company Go to **Admin** -> **Settings** -> **Company profile** -> **Update company details** {{::set.png?100|}} {{::set1.png?650|}} {{::screenshot-from-2023-10-24-18-43-55-1024x476.png?650|}} ** Company Details** Company Name: xxxx Company Address: 123 xxx yyy zzz Admin First Name: yyy Admin Last Name: yyy Admin Contact: 4265378463 Admin Email ID: sdhg@jds.com Timezone: IST Date Format: mm-dd-yy Go to Admin -> Settings -> Company profile -> Upload custom logo. **To upload custom logo** – {{::screenshot-from-2023-10-24-18-44-08.png?650|}} {{::screenshot-from-2023-10-24-18-44-20.png?650|}}